Huntington’s disease

Did you know ?

There are just around 25,000 neurologists in EU. Some regions are better covered than others: depending on the country, there are between 4 and 13 neurologists per 100,000 people.1

To help you find the best help possible, Concilio’s medical team is by your side to help you find the solution to your medical problems.

What is Huntington’s disease ?

Huntington’s disease is a degenerative and hereditary disease which causes the destruction of neurons in the subcortical area (located below the cortex). It is linked to an anomaly discovered on chromosome 4.

This neurological condition combines cognitive deterioration as well as mental disorders with involuntary and disordered muscle movements (chorea). This rare disease affects about one in 10,000 people. Transmission of the inherited condition is of the autosomal dominant type. In other words, if it carries the genetic anomaly, only one carrier of two parents is enough to transmit the disease.

Signs and symptoms

The first symptoms of Huntington’s disease usually appear between 30 and 45 years of age. However, there are early forms of the disease that can manifest at 15 or 25 years. In the beginning, the mental disorders caused by the condition are similar to a depression associated with a suicidal tendency. The disease will be diagnosed when researching the patient’s family history.

Even if the manifestations of the affection differ according to the patient, the neurological degeneration is detected through:

  • Motor symptoms, including chorea (irrepressible and irregular movements accompanied by spasms or distortions),

  • Balance problems as well as swallowing and speech disorders,

  • Cognitive symptoms, including impaired memory, difficulty in thinking or performing multiple tasks, slowness in acquiring or processing information, and cognitive impairment (causing subcortical dementia syndrome)

  • Psychiatric symptoms such as agitation, anxiety, disinhibition, aggression, depression, etc

Why is it important to obtain the best care when you are ill?

Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.

  • In 45% of cases, your diagnosis or treatment plan could be optimized
  • 9 out 10 doctors prescribe unnecessary medical acts: surgery, repeat investigations, non-compliance with recommended best medical practice
  • All hospitals and clinics are not equal. Some are better suited to treating your illness than others.
  • Medicine is becoming more and more specialized. It can be complicated to obtain reliable medical information and ensure you get to see the medical practitioner that’s right for you and your condition

Diagnosis of Huntington’s disease

Many elements make it possible to guide the physician’s diagnosis towards Huntington’s disease, in particular:

  • The appearance of serious coordination disorders and choreaic movements

  • The progressive installation of a perceptible intellectual weakening through difficulties in recognizing loved ones, problems of disorientation as well as disorders of attention, memory, reasoning, language, behavior, and mood.

  • The existence of family members with or having similar symptoms (the investigation focuses on undiagnosed cases).

Neuropsychological tests are the first step in the differential diagnosis. Once other causes of dementia are eliminated, genetic testing can confirm the presence of the abnormality. If the patient is the first to present these symptoms in their family, the doctor conducts a CT scan and a brain MRI. Huntington’s disease usually causes atrophy of the frontal lobe and coded nuclei as well as hypertrophy of the frontal horns.

Fiche Huntington’s disease

  • Author : Florian Reinaud, MD
  • Date :
  • Author of revisions : Amine Morjane, MD
  • Revision date :

1736 peer-recommended neurologists have been identified by Concilio