Conditions of the rectum and anus

Did you know ?

Cancers of the anal canal and of the perianal region are rare. Diagnosis times are often delayed due to the polymorphic presentation of this disease.

To maximize your chances facing an illness, Concilio’s medical concierge personally assists you for all your medical needs.

Conditions of the rectum

The rectum forms the last part of the digestive tract and occupies the lower part of the posterior pelvis. Its’ principal role consists of stocking fecal matter before evacuation via the anus. Diverse illnesses can be detected by a physical examination of the rectum, a colonoscopy, and/or a proctoscopy.

Conditions that can affect the rectum are:

  • Tumors (benign or malignant)

  • Proctitis, inflammation caused notably by radiotherapy

  • Hemorrhoidal pathologies

  • Ulcerations, such as hemorrhagic recto colitis or intestinal amebiasis

  • Rectal prolapse

  • Rectal cancer

  • Anal abscess in case of infection, with or without fistulae

Conditions of the anus

Proceeded by the rectum, the anus constitutes the terminal orifice of the digestive tract. This part of the body is composed of an anal canal and several sphincters. Diverse afflictions can affect the anal region, including:

  • Hemorrhoidal thrombosis, formation of a clot in an external hemorrhoid

  • Anal fissures - a singular or several small tears of the mucous membrane of the anal canal

  • Internal or external hemorrhoids

  • Skin tags, stretching from the anus

  • Anal cancer

  • Condylomas - anogenital warts caused by STDs

Why is it important to obtain the best care when you are ill?

Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.

  • In 45% of cases, your diagnosis or treatment plan could be optimized
  • 9 out 10 doctors prescribe unnecessary medical acts: surgery, repeat investigations, non-compliance with recommended best medical practice
  • All hospitals and clinics are not equal. Some are better suited to treating your illness than others.
  • Medicine is becoming more and more specialized. It can be complicated to obtain reliable medical information and ensure you get to see the medical practitioner that’s right for you and your condition

When it comes to your health and that of your loved ones, don’t take any chances, trust Concilio

Fiche Conditions of the rectum and anus

  • Author : Florian Reinaud, MD
  • Date :

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