Pulmonology: a medical specialty involving the respiratory system

Did you know ?

About 65 million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million die from it each year, making it the third leading cause of death worldwide.1

Don’t take any chances with your health, let Concilio accompany you personally for all your pulmonary problems.

What is pulmonology?

Pulmonology is a medical specialty that focuses the diseases of the respiratory system. Major diseases of the respiratory system are respiratory failure, asthma and emphysema, as well as infectious diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleurisy and pulmonary abscess, or tumor syndromes such as lung cancer or pleural cancer.

The symptomatology of the patient suffering from a pulmonary disorder results from abnormalities within the respiratory system. As a result, the patient presents with certain clinical signs such as a persistent cough or shortness of breath, even in the absence of physical effort.

Etiological diagnosis

People exposed to fibrous-textured minerals such as asbestos, sawdust or any other toxic product are at risk. A control visit makes it possible to check the state of the lungs and thus detect possible pulmonary disorders.

It should be noted that family history may have some influence on a patient’s health status, especially in cases of cancer, asthma, or allergies. Other factors such as the presence of pets at the individual’s home and the medical history of early childhood also contribute to the onset of lung disease.

Why is it important to obtain the best care when you are ill?

Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.

  • In 45% of cases, your diagnosis or treatment plan could be optimized
  • 9 out 10 doctors prescribe unnecessary medical acts: surgery, repeat investigations, non-compliance with recommended best medical practice
  • All hospitals and clinics are not equal. Some are better suited to treating your illness than others.
  • Medicine is becoming more and more specialized. It can be complicated to obtain reliable medical information and ensure you get to see the medical practitioner that’s right for you and your condition.

Fiche Pulmonology

  • Author : Florian Reinaud, MD
  • Date :
  • Author of revisions : Florian Reinaud, MD
  • Revision date :

879 peer-recommended pneumologists have been identified by Concilio